It was October and Minnesota was in full fall bloom when we landed at the first of Glitter Cat Bootcamps - Roasters. We took the opportunity to meet up with Carlos before he got into the training.

Posts tagged with 'roasters'

Mill City Roasters
Curtis had the honor of checking it out.

Celebrate International Coffee Day with Curtis
While the US celebrates World Coffee Day on September 29, many counties around the world recognize October 1st as the day to shine a light on the celebration of coffee and recognize the millions of people across the globe - from farmers, to roasters, baristas, coffee shop owners and more - who work hard to create and serve the beverage we all love.

Meet the Curtis Cats

Curtis sponsors Coffee Roaster's Guild Retreat, an annual gathering of roasters from around the world
Curtis is proud to once again, be a sponsor of the Coffee Roaster's Guild Retreat, an annual gathering of roasters from around the world. Held August 23-26, 2018 in Stevenson, Washington, attendees meet to discuss pressing issues facing the industry and work together to find solutions. A full lineup of educational offerings and lectures are scheduled throughout the four-day event. We look forward to meeting with old friends and making new friends during this year's retreat.

Curtis Unveils the New GemX™ IntelliFresh® Coffee Brewing System with FreshTrac®
Brilliantly engineered and elegantly styled: Curtis Unveils the New GemX™ IntelliFresh® Coffee Brewing System with FreshTrac®