Meet the Curtis Cats

Roasters Boot Camp
Meet Carlos Sims Jr.
My name is Carlos Sims, Jr. I have been roasting commercially for 3 and half years and recently decided to start my own roasting company, Happy Home Coffee Roasters. We are a specialty coffee roaster and mobile espresso cart. Our main goal is to help our customers cultivate joy and belonging. I work part-time as a barista, and I use Wilbur Curtis Brewers products daily, so I am extremely honored to be sponsored. The thing I’m most proud of though is my family. I am married to my lovely wife Kaitlyn, and we have two beautiful boys Zion and Ezra.

Brewers Boot Camp
Meet Sirada “Peace” Sakulclanuwat
My name is Sirada Sakulclanuwat but I often go by Peace because it is the nickname my parents gave me since I was born and I think it is such a beautiful and unique name. I was born and raised in Thailand up until 15 years old when I moved to the U.S. to pursue further education. I currently reside in New York City where my barista career started and my love and passion for coffee have continuously began. Recently, I have been selected as a Glitter Cats Trainee for Brewer Cups Bootcamp where I will be learning, practicing and training brewing crafts and skills with several US and WBrC Champions in preparation for my first time competing in the U.S. Coffee Championships. I'm also honored to be chosen as a Wilbur Curtis Scholarship Recipient. Curtis was the first coffee brewing machine I've learned how to use when I started my first barista job 5 years ago. I'm very excited to be working with them again and I'm very thankful for all the support and sponsorship that Wilbur Curtis will be providing me during this competition!